Where Luxury Meets Service
Where It All Started
Historical Values
Start-Up: strict budget / more than cosmetic / adaptive reuse. The Challenge: remodel 4 dwellings into 2 units of a historic landmark, create 1 office space with living retreats (dual architecture) ~ Vintage Loft was born.
Summary: offer a highly valued service to the public at an affordable price. ~ Luxury Drafting was born.
"...verbal agreements and honorary handshakes are the very virtues that handbuilt this great country..." ~ Historic brick-n-mortar product ~
Earn It: earning to better middle-class virtues by offering quality through Luxury…“affordable blueprints for the everyday working family”.
Together We Stand ~ Divided We Loft
Satellite Offices
City Born: “Cities thrive on life, our city is our living space ~ be the city."
As the modern city evolved, brick and mortar dominated man’s freedom by driving man toward the machine; creating a human disconnect from nature by displacing what it means to live in the city. We need to learn how to live in an urban setting and fully understand its demand for growth, all the while preserving the very beauty of its structures which affords man the option to bring nature into the urban living environment.
Virtues: create systems to keep overhead low and prices fair without compromising Precision Penwork...every blueprint designed is with nature in mind. From OUR office to YOUR satellite, then HOME, it’s that simple.
Why the Client Knows Best!
Sustainable Duo-Design
"Attention: quality service has a desired power to acquire repeat clients – a repeat client is a client in hand and is the single most powerful aspect in our service business; luxury is to quality as service is to one."
Duo-Design: precisely (2) design specialists assigned per team to design spaces that are comfortable and productive, affordable and efficient; no space ignored = volumizing for cubic storage; reduce material consumption and shrink carbon footprint...adaptability: office and studio, home and workshop, yoga studio and guest house, charrette and installation gallery...equipped as a dwelling and office headquarters...
Paperless World
To be an ‘environmentalist’ does not necessarily mean that a company must go 100% paperless; however, as the world’s municipalities gear their departments toward accepting digital documents, we understand that customers, clients, and consultants alike may not all stride at the same pace. Hence, by offering both digital and hard-copy blueprints and ‘hassle-free’ shipping anywhere in the continental U.S., customer satisfaction is our #1 goal.
Note: we are "earth-friendly" with our delivery system and use only 100% recycled paper. See a product you like? Great! Simply contact one of our design professionals to get you sorted out.
Compartment vs. Apartment
Becoming a 'minimalist' one must embrace it as a tool - a tool to rid oneself of excess in favor of focusing on what’s important - freedom - freedom to find happiness and exercising a bold commitment to using as little resources to solve any solution - demanding of quality to solve the problem.
Whether you decided to live in a tree home, smart home, zero-energy home, large or small home, prefab, or modular; or whether you want to purchase 'boatel' plans to design structural hangars or even cargo-container plans; or ever want to modify a plan that you like in our inventory to build your next dream home, our design team is here to discuss your criteria when you're ready. Contact us below: